Sec. 54. No County of this State
shall contract any debt, or obligation,
in the construction of any Railroad,
Canal, or other Work of Internal
Improvement, nor give, or loan its credit
to, or in aid of any association, or cor-
poration, unless authorized by an Act of
the General Assembly, which shall be
published for two months before the next
election for members of the House of
Delegates in the newspapers published
in such County, and shall also be
approved by a majority of all the mem-
bers elected to each House of the General
Assembly at its next Session after said
Sec. 55. The General Assembly shall
pass no Law suspending the privilege
of the Writ of Habeas Corpus.
Sec. 56. The General Assembly shall
have power to pass all such Laws as may
be necessary and proper for carrying
into execution the powers vested, by
this Constitution, in any Department,
or office of the Government, and the
duties imposed upon them thereby.
Sec. 57. The Legal Rate of Interest
shall be six per cent, per annum; unless
otherwise provided by the General
Sec. 58. The Legislature at its first
session after the ratification of this Con-
stitution shall provide by Law for State
and municipal taxation upon the reve-
nues accruing from business done in the
State by all foreign corporations.
Sec. 59. The office of "State Pension
Commissioner" is hereby abolished; and
the Legislature shall pass no law creating
such office, or establishing any general
pension system within this State.
Section 1 . The Judicial power of this
State shall be vested in a Court of
Appeals, Circuit Courts. Orphans'
Courts, such Courts for the City of
Baltimore as are hereinafter provided
for, and Justices of the Peace; all said
Courts shall be Courts of Record, and
each shall have a seal to be used in the
authentication of all process issuing
therefrom. The process and official
character of Justices of the Peace shall
be authenticated as hath heretofore been
practiced in this State, or may hereafter
be prescribed by Law.
Sec. 2. The Judges of all of the said
Courts shall be citizens of the State of
Maryland, and qualified voters under
this Constitution, and shall have resided
therein not less than five years, and not
less than six months next preceding their
election, or appointment, in the Judicial
Circuit, as the case may be, for which
they may be, respectively, elected, or
appointed. They shall be not less than
thirty years of age at the time of their
election, or appointment, and shall be
selected from those who have been
admitted to practice Law in this State,
and who are most distinguished for
integrity, wisdom and sound legal knowl-
Sec. 3. The Judges of the said several
Courts shall be elected in the Counties
by the qualified voters in their respective
Judicial Circuits, as hereinafter provided,
at the general election to be held on the
Tuesday after the first Monday in
November next, and in the city of Balti-
more, on the fourth Wednesday of
October next. Each of the said Judges
shall hold his office for the term of