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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 523   View pdf image (33K)
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Sec. 13. In case of death, disquali-
fication, resignation, refusal to act,
explusion, or removal from the county,
or city, for which he shall have been
elected, of any person, who shall have
been chosen as a Delegate, or Senator,
or in case of a tie between two or more
such qualified persons, a warrant of
election shall be issued by the Speaker
of the House of Delegates, or President
of the Senate, as the case may be, for
the election of another person in his
place, of which election, not less than
ten days notice shall be given, exclusive
of the day of the publication of the
notice, and of the day of election;
and, if during the recess of the
Legislature, and more than ten days
before its termination, such death shall
occur, or such resignation, refusal to act,
or disqualification be communicated, in
writing to the Governor by the person,
so resigning, refusing, or disqualified, it
shall be the duty of the Governor to issue
a warrant of election to supply the
vacancy thus created, in the same
manner, the said Speaker, or President,
might have done, during the session of
the General Assembly; provided, how-
ever, that unless a meeting of the General
Assembly may intervene, the election,
thus ordered to fill such vacancy, shall
be held on the day of the ensuing
election for Delegates and Senators. Sec. 14. The General Assembly shall
meet on the first Wednesday of January,
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and
on the same day in every second year
thereafter, and at no other time, unless
convened by Proclamation of the Gover-
nor. Sec. 15. The General Assembly may
continue its Session so long as, in its
judgment the public interest may require,
for a period not longer than ninety days;
and each member thereof, shall receive

a compensation of five dollars per diem,
for every day he shall attend the session;
but not for such 'days as he may be
absent, unless absent on account of sick-
ness, or by leave of the House of which
he is a member; and he shall also receive
such mileage as may be allowed by Law,
not exceeding twenty cents per mile; and
the Presiding officer of each House shall
receive an additional compensation of
three dollars per day. When the
General Assembly shall be convened by
Proclamation of the Governor, the ses-
sion shall riot continue longer than thirty
days; and in such case, the compensation
shall be the same as herein prescribed. Sec. 16. No book, or other printed
matter, not appertaining to the business
of the session, shall be purchased, or
subscribed for, for the use of the mem-
bers of the General Assembly, or be dis-
tributed among them, at the public
expense. Sec. 17. No Senator or Delegate,
after qualifying as such, notwithstanding
he may thereafter resign, shall during
the whole period of time, for which he
was elected, be eligible to any office,
which shall have been created, or the
salary, or profits of which shall have been
increased, during such term.
Sec; 18. No Senator or Delegate shall
be liable in any civil action, or criminal
prosecution, whatever, for words spoken
in debate. Sec. 19. Each House shall be judge
of the qualifications and elections of its
members, as prescribed by the Constitu-
tion and Laws of the State; shall appoint
its own officers, determine the rules of
its own proceedings, punish a member
for disorderly or disrespectful behaviour,
and with the consent of two-thirds of its
whole number of members elected, expel
a member; but no member shall be


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 523   View pdf image (33K)
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