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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 519   View pdf image (33K)
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the Executive duties; and for any
vacancy in said office not herein pro-
vided for, provision may be made by
Law; and if such vacancy should occur
without such provision being made, the
Legislature shall be convened by the
Secretary of State for the purpose of
filling said vacancy. Sec. 8. The Governor shall be the
Commander-in-Chief of the land and
naval forces of the State; and may call
out the Militia to repel invasions, sup-
press insurrections, and enforce the
execution of the Laws; but shall not
take the command in person, without
the consent of the Legislature. Sec. 9. He shall take care that the
Laws are faithfully executed. Sec. 10. He shall nominate, and, by
and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, appoint all civil and military
officers of the State, whose appointment,
or election, is not otherwise herein pro-
vided for; unless a different mode of
appointment be prescribed by the Law
creating the office. Sec. 11. In case of any vacancy,
during the recess of the Senate, in any
office which the Governor has power to
fill, he shall appoint some suitable person
to said office, whose commission shall
continue in force until the end of the
next session of the Legislature, or until
some other person is appointed to the
same office, whichever shall first occur;
and the nomination of the person thus
appointed, during the recess, or, of some
other person in his place, shall be made
to the Senate within thirty days after
the next meeting of the Legislature. Sec. 12. No person, after being re-
jected by the Senate, shall be again
nominated for the same office at the
same session, unless at the request of the

Senate; or, be appointed to the same
office during the recess of the Legislature. Sec. 13. All civil officers appointed
by the Governor and Senate, shall be
nominated to the Senate within fifty
days from the commencement of each
regular session of the Legislature; and
their term of office, except in cases other-
wise provided for in this Constitution,
shall commence on the first Monday
of May next ensuing their appointment,
and continue for two years (unless
removed from office) and until their
successors, respectively, qualify according
to Law; but the term of office of the
Inspectors of Tobacco shall commence
on the first Monday of March next en-
suing their appointment. Sec. 14. If a vacancy shall occur,
during the session of the Senate, in any
office which the Governor and Senate
have the power to fill, the Governor shall
nominate to the Senate before its final
adjournment, a proper person to fill said
vacancy, unless such vacancy occurs
within ten days before said final adjourn-
ment. Sec. 15, The Governor may suspend,
or arrest any military officer of the State
for disobedience of orders, or other
military offence; and may remove him
in pursuance of the sentence of a Court
Martial; and may remove for incom-
petency, or misconduct, all civil officers
who received appointment from the
Executive for a term of years. Sec. 16. The Governor shall convene
the Legislature, or the Senate alone, on
extraordinary occasions; and whenever
from the presence of an enemy, or from
any other cause, the Seat of Govern-
ment shall become an unsafe place for
the meeting of the Legislature, he may
direct their sessions to be held at some
other convenient place.


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 519   View pdf image (33K)
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