Baltimore City.
samuel T. hatch,
joseph H. audoun,
henry stockbridge,
william brooks,
john barron,
joseph M. gushing,
john L. thomas, jr.,
baltis H. kennard,
edwin A. abbott,
archibald stirling, jr.,
william daniel.
Washington County.
peter negley,
henry W. dellinger,
james P. mayhugh,
john R. sneary,
lewis B. nyman,
joseph F. davis.
Montgomery County.
edmund P. duvall,
thomas lansdale,
george peter.
Allegany County.
albert C. greene,
hope well hebb,
jasper robinette,
george A. thruston,
jacob wickard.
Carroll County.
john E. smith,
jonas ecker,
john swope,
william S. wooden.
Howard County.
joel hopkins,
george W. sands,
james sykes.
Proposed by Act of 1865, resolution 11. Ratified 1866.
Repeal of Article VIII, Section 6 which provides that a tax of five cents on the
$100 shall be levied upon the taxable property in this State for the creation of a
school fund, until said school fund shall amount to six millions of dollars.
2 But see A. niles, maryland constitu-
tional law 333-34, (1915) in which the
author states: "The Constitution of 1864
provided for amendments which might be
proposed by the general assembly to be effec-
tive only when adopted by the people, and
also for the amendments to be made by a
convention convened for that purpose, pro-
vided such amendments were ratified by the
people, but as matter of fact during the three
years of the life of that Constitution, no
amendment was made." (Emphasis added.)