State, and of making returns thereof,
provided that the tenure and term of
office, and the day of election shall not
be affected thereby.
Sec. 7. All rights vested, and all lia-
bilities incurred shall remain as if this
Constitution had not been adopted.
Sec. 8. The Governor and all officers,
civil and military, now holding commis-
sions under this State shall continue to
hold and exercise their offices, according
to their present tenure, until they shall
be superseded, pursuant to the provi-
sions of this Constitution, and until their
successors be duly qualified.
Sec. 9. The sheriffs of the several
counties of this State, and of the city of
Baltimore, shall give notice of the sev-
eral elections authorized by this Consti-
tution, in the manner prescribed by ex-
isting laws for elections under the pres-
ent Constitution.
Sec. 10. This Constitution, if adopted
by a majority of the legal votes cast on
the first Wednesday of June next, shall
go into operation on the fourth day of
July next, and on and after said day
shall supersede the present Constitution
of this State.
It shall be the duty of the Legislature,
at its first session immediately succeed-
ing the returns of every census of the
United States, hereafter taken, to pass a
law for ascertaining, at the next general
election of Delegates, the sense of the
people of Maryland in regard to the
calling a Convention for altering the
Constitution; and in case the majority
of votes cast at said election shall be in
favor of calling a Convention, the Legis-
lature shall provide for assembling such
Convention, and electing Delegates
thereto at the earliest convenient day;
and the Delegates to the said Conven-
tion shall be elected by the several coun-
ties of the State and the city of Balti-
more, in proportion to their representa-
tion respectively in the Senate and House
of Delegates, at the time when said
Convention may be called.
Done in Convention the 13th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fifty-one, and of the Independence of the United States the
President of the Convention.
Attest: george G. brewer,
Secretary to Convention.