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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 439   View pdf image (33K)
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also secure to the State a clear yearly
revenue equal to the average amount
derived by the State from the system for
the last five years; but no such contract
or contracts shall be valid until approved
by the Treasurer and Comptroller. Sec. 6. There shall be a Commis-
sioner of the Land Office elected by the
qualified voters of the State, at the first
general election of Delegates to the
Assembly after the ratification of this
Constitution, who shall hold his office
for the term of six years from the first
day of January next after his election.
The returns of said election shall be
made to the Governor, and in the event
of a tie between any two or more candi-
dates, the Governor shall direct a new
election to be held by writs to the sev-
eral sheriffs., who shall hold said election
after at least twenty days notice, exclu-
sive of the day of election. The said
Commissioner shall sit as judge of the
Land Office, and receive therefor the
sum of two hundred dollars per annum,
to be paid out of the State Treasury.
He shall also perform the duties of the
Register of the Land Office, and be en-
titled to receive therefor the fees now
chargeable in said office; and he shall
also perform the duties of Examiner
General, and be entitled to receive there-
for the fees now chargeable by said offi-
cer. The office of Register of the Land
Office and Examiner General shall be
abolished from and after the election
and qualification of the Commissioner
of the Land Office. Sec. 7. The State Librarian shall be
elected by the joint vote of the two
branches of the Legislature, for two
years, and until his successor shall be
elected and qualified. His salary shall
be one thousand dollars per annum. He
shall perform such duties as are now or
may hereafter be prescribed by law.
Sec. 8. The county authorities now
known as Levy Courts or County Com-
missioners, shall hereafter be styled
"County Commissioners," and shall be
elected by general ticket, and not by
districts, by the voters of the several
counties, on the first Wednesday in
November, one thousand eight hundred
and fifty-one, and on the same day in
every second year thereafter. Said Com-
missioners shall exercise such powers and
duties only as the Legislature may from
time to time prescribe; but such powers
and duties, and the tenure of office, shall
be uniform throughout the State, and
the Legislature shall, at or before its
second regular session, after the adop-
tion of this Constitution, pass such laws
as may be necessary for determining the
number for each county, and ascertain-
ing and defining the powers, duties, and
tenure of office of said Commissioners;
and until the passage of such laws the
Commissioners elected under this Con-
stitution shall have and exercise all the
powers and duties in their respective
counties, now exercised by the county
authorities under the laws of the State. Sec. 9. The General Assembly shall
provide by law for the election of Road
Supervisors, in the several counties, by
the voters of the election districts re-
spectively, and may provide by law for
the election or appointment of such
other county officers as may be required,
and are not herein provided for, and
prescribe their powers and duties; but
the tenure of office, their powers and
duties, and mode of appointment, shall
be uniform throughout the State. Sec. 10. The qualified voters of each
county, and the city of Baltimore, shall,
at the first election of delegates after
the adoption of this Constitution, and
every two years thereafter, elect a Sur-


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 439   View pdf image (33K)
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