and subscribe the following oath or affir-
mation: I, A. B., do swear (or affirm,
as the case may be,) that I will support
the constitution of the United States,
and that I will be faithful and bear true
allegiance to the State of Maryland, and
support the Constitution and laws there-
of; that I will to the best of my skill and
judgment diligently and faithfully, with-
out partiality or prejudice, execute the
office of ........................ according to the
Constitution and laws of this State, and
that since the adoption of the present
Constitution, I have not, in any manner,
violated the provisions thereof in rela-
tion to bribery of voters or preventing
legal or procuring illegal votes to be
given; (and if a Governor, Senator,
member of the House of Delegates, or
Judge,) "that I will not directly or in-
directly receive the profits or any part
of the profits of any other office during
the time of my acting as ........................"
And if any person elected or appointed
to office as aforesaid, shall refuse or
neglect to take the said oath or affirma-
tion, he shall be considered as having
refused to accept the said office, and a
new election or appointment shall be
made as in case of refusal or resignation,
and any person swearing or affirming
falsely in the premises, shall, on convic-
tion thereof in a court of law, incur the
penalties for wilful and corrupt perjury,
and be thereafter incapable of voting at
any election, and also incapable of hold-
ing any office of profit or trust in this
Sec. 5. That no person above the age
of twenty-one years, convicted of larceny
or other infamous crime, unless he shall
be pardoned by the Executive, shall ever
thereafter be entitled to vote at any
election in this State, and no person
under guardianship as a lunatic, or as a
person non compos mentis, shall be en-
titled to vote.
Section 1. The Executive power of
the State shall be vested in a Governor,
whose term of office shall commence on
the second Wednesday of January next
ensuing his election, and continue for
four years, and until his successor shall
have qualified.
Sec. 2. The first election for Governor
under this Constitution shall be held on
the first Wednesday of November, in the
year eighteen hundred and fifty-three,
and on the same day and month in every
fourth year thereafter, at the places of
voting for delegates to the General As-
sembly, and every person qualified to
vote for delegates shall be qualified and
entitled to vote for Governor; the elec-
tion to be held in the same manner as
the election of delegates, and the returns
thereof, under seal, to be addressed to
the Speaker of the House of Delegates,
and enclosed and transmitted to the Sec-
retary of State, and delivered to the said
speaker at the commencement of the
session of the Legislature next ensuing
said election.
Sec. 3. The Speaker of the House of
"Delegates shall then open the said re-
turns in the presence of both Houses,
and the person having the highest num-
ber of votes, and being constitutionally
eligible, shall be the Governor, and shall
qualify in the manner herein prescribed,
on the second Wednesday of January
next ensuing his election, or as soon
thereafter as may be practicable.
Sec. 4. If two or more persons shall
have the highest and an equal number