Dorchester County hath been divided
and laid off unto six separate election
districts be and the same is hereby
Sec. 2. Dorchester County shall be
divided into seven separate election dis-
Proposed by Act of 1827, chapter 50.
Ratified 1828.
Sec. 1. All such parts of the Constitu-
tion and form of government as relate
to the division of Worcester County into
five election districts, be, and the same
are hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. Worcester County shall be
divided and laid off into Seven Separate
Election districts; whereof the present
district called and known as number
four or Johnson's district, and the dis-
trict called and known as number five
of Dennis District shall be divided into
four separate election districts, and the
present districts, VIZ, number one or
Costens districts, and number two or
Snow Hill district, and number three,
or Berlin district to be and remain as
they now are.
Proposed by Act of 1828, chapter 1.
Ratified 1829.
Sec. 1. All such parts of the Consti-
tution and form of Government as re-
late to the division of Dorchester County
and to Seven Separate Election districts,
be and the same are hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. Dorchester County shall be
divided and laid off into Eight Separate
Election districts.
Proposed by Act of 1829, chapter 168.
Ratified 1830.
Sec. 1. All such parts of the Constitu-
tion and form of Government as direct
That Frederick County shall be divided
into Eleven Districts be and the same
are hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. Frederick County shall be
divided into Twelve Separate Election
Districts, and the additional district
shall be taken and laid off from the
Third Election district as they are now
Proposed by Act of 1831, chapter 33.
Ratified 1832.
The Election District in Somerset
County called and known as the Princess
Anne district shall be further subdivided,
and that an additional election district
shall be established therein which shall
be made convenient to the Voters of
Hungary Neck.
Queen Anne's County shall be divided
into four separate election districts and
that the additional district shall be laid
off adjoining and between the first and
second districts.
Proposed by Act of 1831, chapter 112.
Ratified 1832.
Sec. 1. All such parts of the constitu-
tion and form of government of this
state as direct that Frederick County
Shall be divided into twelve Election
Districts be and they are hereby repealed.
Sec. 2. Frederick County shall be
divided into fourteen separate election
districts, and that the two additional
districts shall be taken and laid off, the
one from the third election district as
they are now numbered, so as to include
the Town of Jefferson and which place
the election shall be held and the other
from the sixth and seventh election dis-
tricts as they are now numbered, and
that the rest and residue of the districts
in said County, be and remain as they
now are.