who in my judgment shall, according to
the directions contained in the form of
government, be entitled to poll at the
same election, and that I will not admit
any person to poll at the same election,
who before his voting shall be objected
against by any three of the electors, if
such person is not in my judgment quali-
fied to vote as aforesaid, and will in all
things execute the office of judge of the
said elections according the best of my
knowledge, without favour or partiality.
So help me God."
That every clerk, before he enters any
vote on the polls, shall take the follow-
ing oath, to wit, "I A. B. do declare,
that I will well and faithfully, without
favour, affection, or partiality, execute
the office of clerk of the elections for
.................... county, the city of Annap-
olis, or Baltimore-town, according to the
best of my knowledge. So help me God."
This form of government was assented to and passed in Convention of the delegates
of the freemen of Maryland, begun and held at the city of Annapolis,
the 14th day of August, anno domini 1776.
By order of the Convention,