found. In fact, all of these organiza-
tional questions are of importance
chiefly as they bear upon the freedom
and competence of the board to govern
the institution for which it is respon-
sible. Boards, even those as mechan-
ically encumbered as is the North Caro-
lina board, function well if they enjoy
a relatively secure, politically free posi-
tion. The other matters of organization
charted in the appendices have, it has
been found, relatively little impact upon
the ability of the board to function effec-
tively as a policy-making body.40 The
basic function of a state university —
"the conservation, dissemination and
advancement of the collective knowl-
edge of society" — can only be discharged
in an "atmosphere of freedom."41
40 For a similar conclusion with respect to
the role of the individual trustee see rauh,
supra note 32, at 65.
41 Moos & rourke, supra note 8, at 3.