set, Oct. 1962). Appraises existing
state restrictions and recommends state
report A- 17, the role of the states
in strengthening the property
tax (printed, June 1963). Volume I
(187 pp.) examines the major prob-
lems of property tax policy and ways
the state can deal with them; the pre-
requisites of sound assessment admin-
istration are examined on the basis of
recent experience in the several states;
remedial measures to meet the varying
needs in the different states are rec-
ommended. Volume II (182 pp.)
summarizes the lines of action indi-
vidual states have taken to meet their
property tax responsibilities.
report A- 18, industrial development
bond financing 96 pp. (offset, June
1963). Summarizes the growth and
present magnitude of local and state
financing of industrial plants for lease
to private enterprise in the several
states, evaluates these practices, and
recommends measures for preventing
their abuse for private advantage.
report A-22, the problem of special
districts in american government
112 pp. (printed, May 1964). Reviews
the operation of special districts and
public authorities in terms of their
relationship to local government. Con-
cludes that special districts may be
necessary to provide an essential service
or meet a special problem ; and recom-
mends steps to bring their establish-
ment and activities under effective
control by states and local units of
general government.
report A-25, metropolitan social
and economic disparities : implica-
tions for intergovernmental re-
lations in central cities and sub-
urbs 253 pp. (offset, Jan. 1965).
Examines central city-suburban rela-
tionships in regard to human or popu-
lation characteristics, fiscal and eco-
nomic resources, and methods of
financing and allocating costs of serv-
ices that cut across central city and
suburban boundaries. Recommends
action to (a) promote wider range of
choice and remove intergovernmental
restrictions in such fields as urban
housing and employment; (b) permit
adjustment of governmental jurisdic-
tion and responsibilities; and (c)
modify intergovernmental financial
arrangements where significant dispari-
ties exist among jurisdictions in metro-
politan areas.
report M-21, performance of urban
functions: local and area wide
281 pp. (offset, Sept. 1963). Outlines
a method whereby citizens and public
officials might decide whether specific
urban functions should be provided on
a local, areawide, or intermediate area
basis; ranks 15 functions analyzed on
a scale of "most local" througn "most
areawide;" and provides fact book of
information on the functions.
report M-31, metropolitan america:
challenge to federalism 176 pp.
(printed, Aug. 1966). Summarizes and
presents in a broad context the Com-
mission recommendations to all levels
of government to provide intergovern-
mental approaches for utilizing the
resources of the federal system in
metropolitan areas.
report M-33, 1967 state legislative
program of the advisory commis-
sion on intergovernmental rela-
tions 601 pp. (offset, Sept. 1966).
Contains a compilation of all the Com-
mission's state legislative proposals with
draft bills to carry out the Commission