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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 205   View pdf image (33K)
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Options available for reduced annuities, with
continuing annuities for surviving spouse and
benefits to other named beneficiaries.
11 Justices may come under Public Employees
Retirement System in lieu of above pension.
12 Based on highest average salary during 6 con-
secutive years of last 10 years of service.
13 In case of retirement after leas than 10 years'
service, retirement pay reduced proportionately.
14 If not reappointed at end of 12-year term,
eligible for pension upon reaching age 65.
15 Judges between ages 65 and 60 with minimum
of 10 years' service may retire and receive reduced
benefits — the actuarial equivalent of retirement at
60 with 10 years' service.
16 Judges retiring at age 70 or because of dis-
ability, who have served less than 10 years, are
entitled to pension bearing: the same relationship
to full pension as their years of service bear to
10 years.
17 Judges retiring voluntarily or by expiration of
their terms prior to age 70 are entitled, after
reaching 65, to pension bearing the same relation-
ship to full pension as their years of service bear
to 15 years.
18 Plus 2 1/2 per cent for each year in excess of
12 years' service, with a maximum of 60 per cent
of pay.
19 7 1/2 per cent during; the first 18 years (plus
21/2 per cent if married); thereafter, 21/2 per
cent if married.
20 Judges must contribute to pension system for
16 years. Can retire after 12 years by paying up
for remaining: 4 years.
21 Pension is 50 per cent of average salary re-
ceived from state but not more than $4,800.
22 5 per cent of salary paid by state but not to
exceed $500 annually nor payable for more than
16 years.
23 3 per cent of average basic salary for his last
3 years multiplied by years of service in one or
more of the courts covered.
24 5 per cent of average compensation during
last 5 years of service multiplied by number of
years of service, not to exceed 100 per cent of
final compensation.
25 Equal to annuity upon retirement at age 65
if judge elects to have payments commence at
age 65; if earlier, reduced actuarially.
26 Proportion of salary which years of service
bear to 20.
27 Service need not have been on court of record.
28 $760 for each year of service; judges of Court
of Appeals allowed $100 additional for each year
of service up to $13,600.
29 Plus 2 1/2 per cent of annual salary for each

year in excess of minimum service, but not exceed-
ing 75 per cent of salary.
30 4 per cent to widows' pension fund.
31 Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, New
York, Ohio and Wisconsin — based on length of
32 Baaed on average salary for the 5 years pro-
ceeding retirement.
33 Depending on age. In Pennsylvania, also on
other factors, including length of service as judge,
previous nonjudicial state employment, average of
salary of best 6 years and retirement plan selected.
84 Also under Social Security.
85 Integrated state retirement system and O.A.-
S.I. Judges contribute to retirement system 2.81-
5.49 per cent on salary of $1,200-$4,200; 5.62-10.98
per cent on salary in excess of $4,200.
36 On a commuted basis.
87 Judges who cease to hold office before attaining
age 65 and who have served for an aggregate of
16 years may receive pension at 65.
34 No minimum age required for pension if re-
tirement is for reason of disability, or after 22
years of creditable government services, if last
8 years were as judge.
39 25 per cent average salary phis 26/72 of 1 per
cent of said average salary for each month of
creditable service in excess of 10 years. Creditable
service includes services rendered as judge or to
the government of Puerto Rico in any capacity if
last 8 years were as judge.
40 Any person who, on January 16, 1956, was a
Justice of the Supreme or Superior Court and has
served as a Justice on either or both courts for
25 years, or for 15 years and has reached 70, may
receive a sum equal to salary at time of resignation.
41Actuarially determined.
tz Depending on age upon taking office; Vermont,
at 35. 5.86 per cent, at 40, 6.14 per cent, at 60,
7.04 per cent, at 60, 10.21 per cent; Virginia, under
40, 2 per cent, to 66, 2 1/2 per cent, over 55, 3 per
43 For additional years of service, 1/18 of full
salary allowed per year, up to 75 per cent of
salary at time of retirement.
44 In proportion that years of service bear to 18.
45 5 per cent of compensation under $6,000, 7 per
cent in excess of that amount. In addition, judges
may contribute up to $2,000 in 1 year.
46 Reduced by 1 year for each full year by which
judge exceeds age 70 at time of retirement (mini-
mum 6 years).
n If less than 18 years' service, pension reduced
in proportion number of years of service bears
to 18, with adjustment for situation described in
preceding footnote


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Constitutional Revision Study Documents of the Constitutional Convention Commission, 1968
Volume 138, Page 205   View pdf image (33K)
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