Municipal cor-
porations: Pro-
vided for by
General Assem-
bly; powers:
manner of
Sec. 2. The General As-
sembly shall provide by gen-
eral law for dividing the
counties into townships or
permanent municipal corpo-
rations in place of the exist-
ing election districts pre-
scribing their limits and con-
fiding to them all powers
necessary for the manage-
ment of their public local
concerns; and whenever the
organization of these town-
ship corporations shall be
perfected, all officers pro-
vided for in this Constitu-
tion, but whose official func-
tions shall have been super-
seded by such organizations
shall be dispensed with, and
the affairs of such townships
and of the counties as affec-
ted by the action of such
townships shall be transacted
in such manner as the Gen-
eral Assembly shall direct.
Cession of
territory con-
tiguous to State:
Division into
counties, repre-
sentation, ex-
tention of laws,
creation of
Art. Ill, sec. 48. The Gen-
eral Assembly shall have
power to accept the cession
of any territory contiguous
to this State, from the States
of Virginia and West Vir-
ginia, or from the United
States, with the consent of
Congress, and of the inhabit-
ants of such ceded territory,
and in case of such cessions
the General Assembly may
divide such territory into
counties, and shall provide
for the representation of the
same in the General As-
sembly, on the basis fixed
by this Constitution, and
may for that purpose in-
crease the number of Sena-
tors and Delegates, and the
General Assembly shall enact
such laws as may be required
to extend the Constitution
and laws of this State over
such territory, and may
create courts conformably to