application of twelve citizens
of the proposed county of
Wicomico, the Surveyor of
Worcester County shall run
and locate the line from
Meadow Bridge to the Poco-
moke River, previous to the
adoption, or rejection of this
Constitution, and at the ex-
pense of said petitioners.
created; and on the applica-
tion of twelve citizens of the
proposed County of Wicom-
ico, the Surveyor of Wor-
cester County shall run and
locate the line from Meadow
Bridge to the Pocomoke
River, previous to the adop-
tion, or rejection of this
Constitution, and at the ex-
pense of said petitioners.
Election of
Sec. 4. At the first gen-
eral election, held under this
Constitution, the qualified
voters of said new county
shall be entitled to elect a
Senator, and two Delegates
to the General Assembly,
and all such county, or other
officers as this Constitution
may authorize, or require to
be elected by other counties
of the State; a notice of such
election shall be given by
the Sheriffs of Worcester
and Somerset Counties in
the manner now prescribed
by Law; and in case said
new county shall be estab-
lished, as aforesaid, then the
counties of Somerset and
Worcester shall be entitled
to elect but two Delegates
each to the General As-
Sec. 4. At the first gen-
eral election, held under
this Constitution, the quali-
fied voters of said new
County shall be entitled to
elect a Senator, and two
Delegates to the General As-
sembly, and all such County,
or other officers as this Con-
stitution may authorize, or
require to be elected by
other Counties of the State;
a notice of such election
shall be given by the Sher-
iffs of Worcester and Som-
erset Counties in the manner
now prescribed by Law; and
in case said new County
shall be established, as afore-
said, then the Counties of
Somerset and Worcester
shall be entitled to elect but
two Delegates each to the
General Assembly.
Circuit Court.
Sec. 5. The County of
Wicomico, if formed ac-
cording to the provisions of
this Constitution, shall be
embraced in the First Judi-
cial Circuit; and the times
for holding the Courts there-
in shall be fixed and deter-
mined by the General As-
Sec. 5. The County of
Wicomico, if formed accord-
ing to the provisions of this
Constitution, shall be em-
braced in the First Judicial
Circuit; and the times for
holding the Courts therein
shall be fixed and deter-
mined by the General As-
Assembly to
effect provisions.
Sec. 6. The General As-
sembly shall pass all such
Laws as may be necessary
more fully to carry into ef-
fect the provisions of this
Sec. 6. The General As-
sembly shall pass all such
Laws as may be necessary
more fully to carry into ef-
fect the provisions of this