Big Back Bone or Savage
Mountain, where that moun-
tain is crossed by Mason and
Dixon's line, and running
thence by a straight line,
to the middle of Savage
river where it empties into
the Potomac river, thence by
a straight line, to the nearest
point or boundary of the
State of Virginia; then with
said boundary to the Fair-
fax stone, shall contain a
population of ten thousand
and the majority of electors
thereof shall desire to sepa-
rate and form a new county,
and make known their desire
by petition to the Legis-
lature, the Legislature shall
direct at the next succeeding
election, that the Judges
shall open a book at each
Election district in said part
of Allegany county, and
have recorded therein the
vote of each elector "For or
Against" a new county. In
case the majority are in
favor, then said part of Al-
legany county to be declared
an independent county, and
the inhabitants whereof shall
have, and enjoy all such
rights and privileges as are
held and enjoyed by the in-
habitants of the other coun-
ties in this State. Provided,
that the whole representa-
tion in the General Assembly
of the county, when divided,
shall not exceed the present
delegation of Allegany coun-
ty, allowed under this Con-
stitution until after the next
Sec. 2. At the election to
be held for the adoption, or
rejection of this Constitu-
tion, in each Election Dis-
trict, in those parts of
Worcester and Somerset
Counties, comprised within
the following limits, viz:
Sec. 2. At the election to
be held for the adoption, or
rejection of this Constitu-
tion, in each Election Dis-
trict, in those parts of Wor-
cester and Somerset Coun-
ties, comprised within the
following limits, viz: Begin-