ply projects, and approves or amends them; can require local authori-
ties to install sewerage or water works, or to alter the construction
or operation of the same.
Abel Wolman, Chief, Baltimore, Maryland.
The Bureau of Food and Drugs controls the purity of foods and
drugs, and inspects pharmacies, dairies, canneries, slaughterhouses, mar-
kets and other places where foods are produced, sold, manufactured or
stored; enforces pharmacy laws relating to the conduct of drug stores
and the narcotic and poison laws.
A. L. Sullivan, Commissioner, Baltimore, Maryland.
Robert L. Swain, Deputy Commissioner, Baltimore, Maryland.
The Bureau of Child Hygiene arranges for prenatal and children's
health consultations; demonstration nursing service, consultation service
in regard to nutrition and other health problems of mothers and chil-
dren; lectures and instruction for nurses and women's organizations in
maternity, infant and preschool care.
Dr. J. H. Mason Knox, Jr., Chief, Baltimore, Maryland.
The Bureau of Personnel and Accounts is composed of three divi-
sions, division of money accounting, division of property accounting
and division of printing. This Bureau accomplishes all Departmental
accounting, including money and property, makes all purchases for the
Department, supervises all expenditures, accomplishes most of the De-
partmental printing, distributes supplies to field agents and exercises
general supervision over the employees of the Department.
Walter N. Kirkman, Chief, Baltimore, Maryland.
Garrett Building, Baltimore.
Chairman and Chief Engineer of the Commission and
Director of the Department of Public Works:
John N. Mackall....................................... ..............................................................Baltimore
Members of the Roads Commission;
R. Bennett Darnall............................................................................ Anne Arundel County
W. W. Brown..............................................................Cumberland, Allegany County
Secretary, L. H. Steuart, Garrett Bldg., Baltimore City.
The Commission consists of three appointed by the Governor for no
specified term of office. One shall be appointed from that one of the two
leading political parties opposite to the Governor's political party.
The Governor designates a Chairman who shall also be the Director
of the Department of Public Works. (Ch. 29, 1922.)
This department has direct control over the construction and main-
tenance of a system of highways throughout the State. The Com-
mission also has authority over the building of "lateral" roads not
included in the main or trunk line system. Plans and specifications
are prepared, the contracts awarded, and the work of construction
supervised by the State Roads Commission. The cost of "lateral" roads
is shared equally by the State and Counties, the allotment of State
funds to the counties being based upon road mileage. (Acts 1824,
Chapter 277.)
The system of trunk line roads, built and maintained entirely at
the expense of the State, was authorized by the Legislature in 1908,
and bond issues amounting to approximately $32,500,000 have been