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Maryland Manual, 1926
Volume 137, Page 348   View pdf image (33K)
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these Presents, to Ordain, Make and Enact LAWS, of what
kind soever, according to their sound Discretion, whether
relating to the Public State of the said PROVINCE or the
private Utility of Individuals, of and with the Advice, As-
sent, and Approbation of the Free-Men of the same PROV-
INCE, or of the great Part of them, or of their Delegates or
Deputies, whom WE will shall be called together for the
framing of LAWS, when, and as often as Need shall- re-
quire by the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, and his
Heirs, and in the Form which shall seem best to him or
them, and the same to publish under the Seal of the afore-
said now Baron of BALTIMORE, and his Heirs and duly
to execute the same upon all Persons, for the Time being,
with the aforesaid PROVINCE and the Limits thereof, or
under his or their Government and Power, in Sailing toward
MARYLAND, or thence Returning, Outwardbound, either
to England or elsewhere, whether to any other Part or of
any foreign Dominions, wheresoever established, by the Im-
position of Fines, Imprisonment, and other Punishment,
whatsoever; even if it be necessary, and the Quality of the
Offence require it, by Privation of Member, or Life, by him
the aforesaid now Baron of BALTIMORE, and his Heirs,
or by his or their Deputy, Lieutenant, Judges, Justices,
Magistrates, Officers, and Ministers, to be constituted and
appointed according to the Tenor and true Intent of these
Presents and to constitute and ordain Judges, Justices,
Magistrates and Officers, of what Kind, for what Cause,
and with what Power soever, within that Land, and the Sea
of those Parts, and in such Form as to the said now Baron
of BALTIMORE or his Heirs, shall seem most fitting; And
also to Remit, Release, Pardon, and Abolish, all Crimes and
Offences whatsoever against such Laws, whether before, or
after Judgment passed; and to do all and singular other
Things belonging to the Completion of Justice, and to
Courts, Praetorian Judicatories, and Tribunals, judicial
Forms and Modes of Proceeding, although express Mention
thereof in these Presents be not made; and, by Judges by
them delegated, to award Process, hold Pleas, and deter-
mine in those Courts, Praetarian Judicatories, and Trib-
unals, in all Actions, Suits, Causes and Matters whatsoever.
as well Criminal as Personal, Real and Mixed, and Prae-
tarian: Which said Laws, so to be published as above said,
WE will, enjoin, charge and command, to be most absolute
and firm in Law, and to be kept in those Parts by all the
Subjects and Liege-Men of US, our Heirs and Successors,
so far as they concern them, and to be inviolably observed
under the Penalties therein expressed, or to be expressed.


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Maryland Manual, 1926
Volume 137, Page 348   View pdf image (33K)
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