The administration of the University is vested in the President
The University Council, composed of the President, the assistant to
the President, the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station,
and the Director of the Agricultural and Home Economics Extension
Service, and the Deans, acts as an advisory board to the President on
all phases of University work. The faculty of each college or school
constitutes a faculty council, which passes on all questions that have
exclusive relationship to the unit represented.
The university is organized into the following units:
College of Agriculture.
College of Engineering.
College of Arts and Sciences.
School of Medicine.
School of Law.
School of Dentistry.
School of Pharmacy.
College of Education.
College of Home Economics.
The Graduate School
The Summer School.
Department of Military Science and Tactics.
Department of Physical Education and Recreation.
The Agricultural and Home Economics Extension Service.
The Agricultural Experiment Station.
The College of Agriculture offers curricula in; (1) General Agri-
culture; (2) Agronomy; (3) Botany; (4) Farm Management; (5)
Geology and Soils; (6) Pomology; (7) Vegetable Gardening; (8)
Floriculture; (9) Landscape Gardening; (10) Economic Zoology; (II)
Two-Year Agriculture; (12) Animal Husbandry.
The College of Education offers curricula in: (1) Agricultural
Education; (2) Home Economics Education; (3) Industrial Educa-
tion; (4) General Education.
The College of Engineering offers curricula in: (1) Civil Engi-
neering; (2) Mechanical Engineering; (3) Electrical Engineering; (4)
Highway Engineering; (5) Sanitary Engineering.
The Graduate School offers courses in any of the subjects in which
a graduate may desire to obtain advanced degrees. The Graduate
School consists of all students taking graduate work in the various
departments. Those qualified to supervise graduate work in the various
departments constitute the faculty of the Graduate School, presided
over by a research specialist designated as Dean.
The College of Home Economics offers a curriculum in which may
be obtained the general principles of home economics, a knowledge of
home economics for teaching purposes, or a specialized knowledge of
particular phases which deal with the work of the dietitian or insti-
tutional manager.
The College of Arts and Sciences offers curricula with majors in:
(1) Ancient Languages and Philosophy; (2) Economics; (3) English
Language and Literature; (4) General Science; (5) History and Po-
litical Science; (6) French, German or Spanish; (7) Public Speaking
with reference to special professions; (8) Commerce and. Business Ad-
ministration; (9), Pre-Medical Curriculum; studies are also offered
in Music and Library Science.
The Department of Military Science and Tactics has charge of the
work of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps unit established by the
War Department. During the first two years of the student's stay