This Board has the supervision of railroads, steam and electric,
common carriers in general, gas corporations, electrical corporations.
telephone companies, telegraph companies, water companies, steam
heating and refrigerating companies, express companies, sleeping cat
companies, steamship, steamboat, motorboat and sailing boat com-
panics and automobile bus companies doing business as common car-
riers, provided any of the aforementioned companies are doing busi-
ness within the State of Maryland. Its supervision and jurisdiction
covers the service furnished, the rates charged, capitalization, issue of
stocks and bonds, the right to exercise franchises granted by the
counties or by the cities, the right to fix rates for service, fix stand-
ards for service and general supervisory and regulatory powers.
in the matter of permitting the companies to exercise franchises
and to issue securities, they are required in all cases to advertise the
(act that the Commission will near their application upon a certain
date. This done in order that any person, or persons, opposed to the
exercise of the franchise or the issuance of securities may have an
opportunity to be heard and submit to the Commission their reason
for believing that the Commission should withhold the order permit-
ting the things to be done under the application filed.
The Governor appoints an experienced and qualified attorney as
People's Counsel. No term specified in the Act. (Ch. 29, 1922.)
Equitable Building, Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
Robert H. Carr, Chairnlan......1929..................................Baltimore
George Louis Eppier..................1931......................................Cumberland
Omar D. Crothers.......................1927...........................Elkton
Secretary, A. E. Brown.............................................. Baltimore
Governor appoints three, not more than two of whom shall be of
the same political faith, one for 6 years, one for 4 years, and one for
2 years, and as these terms expire the successor is appointee for 6
years. The Governor designates the chairman, (Ch. 800, 1914.)
The State Industrial Accident Commission is charged with the duty
of administering the Workmen's Compensation Law. The law pro-
vides, first, for the payment of compensation to employees injured in
certain extra-hazardous employments, and to their dependents in case
of death; second, for all employers in such occupations shall secure the
payment of such compensation by insuring their liability in a stock
company, or the State Accident Fund, or by proving to the satisfaction
of the Commission their financial ability to pay the compensation
The business of the Commission is to administer to the Workmen's
Compensation Act and involves determining what occupations are in-
cluded, receiving reports of accidents, receiving, investigating and ad-
judicating claims arising under the Act. Hearings are held in con.
tested cases, in addition to these duties, the Commission administers