missioner. He not only controls issuance of licenses and can refuse
to permit an unfit applicant to operate a car in the State, but in addi-
tion he holds the power of suspension for a stated period or the abso-
lute revocation of a driver's permit. This without regard to the action
of the Courts in cases tried before them.
Appeal to the Courts from the action of the Commissioner, in sus-
pending, refusing or revoking licenses, is provided in the law, however.
Office, 512 Munsey Building, Baltimore, Md.
Commissioner ( Term Expires 1927 ) :
Swepson Earle..............................................................Baltimore
Chief Clerk:
H. H. Johnson........................ ...............................Baltimore
Asst. Chief Clerk:
C. E. Ebberts.................................................................Arbutus
H. E. Collins.........................................................Crisfield
Georgia A. Poehiman................................... Baltimore
The Governor appoints a Conservation Commissioner whose term
of office expires on the first Monday in May, 1927. Thereafter a Com-
missioner is appointed for a term of four y.ears from the first Monday
in May. (Ch. 29, 1922.)
514 Munsey Building, Baltimore.
(Term Expires 1927.)
Appointed by the Conservation Department for a term of two years
from the 1st Monday in May. (Ch. 82, 1910.)
Name. Postoffice.
B. Lee LeOompte.............State Game Warden................Cambridge
Charles F. Smith....................Chief Deputy WardeH.....,.......Baltimore
Harold S. K.olmer............Secretary ...........................................Baltimore
Madeline Zimmerman............Stenographer .....................................Baltimore
District Deputy Game Wardens.
District No. 1.
Garrett County ............-.....Richard S. Browning...................0akland
Allegany .........-..........Joseph E. Weaver..................Cumberland
Washington ..................... -..... Albert Crampton ........................Hagerstown