County Superintendent of Schools
(Appointed by County Boards of Education)
County Name Address
Allegany.....................................Edward F. Webb........................Cumberland
Anne Arundel..........................George Fox.................................... Annapolis
Baltimore.....—..........- .......-Clarence G. Cooper...........................Towson
Calvert.................... -.....Howard T. Ruhl..................Prince Frederick
Caroline................................Edward M. Noble............................—-Denton
Carroll.............................. Maurice S. H. Unger..................Westminster
Cecil................................Hugh W. Caldwell................... -.............. Elkton
Charles................--...........--F. Bernard Gwynn............................La Plata
Dorchester...................--....... -James B. Noble......................................Cambridge
Frederick-.............--...............G. Lloyd Palmer...................... Frederick
Sarrett.- —....................Franklin B. Rathbun..........................Oakland
Harford......................C. Milton Wright ......................................Belair,
Howard......................-Woodland C. Phillips...............Ellicott City
Kent..............................Louis C, Robinson........................Chestertown
Montgomery...........................Edwin W. Broome......................Rockville
Prince George's....................Nicholas Orem................... Upper Marlboro
Queen Anne's............................Thomas O. Bennett.........Centreville
St. Mary's..................George W. Joy.............................. Leonardtown
Somerset............Eugene W. Pruitt....................... Princess Anne
Talbot....................... .......Oscar M. Fogle-....................Easton
Washington.................B. J. Grimes..................Hagerstown
Wlcomico...............James M. Bennett..............................Salisbury
Worcester...................Arthur C. Humphreys......................Snow Hill
Baltimore City.......................Vaeancy ................................Baltimore
The head of the Department of Education is the State Board of
in accordance with Chapter 508 of the Acts of 1916, the members
of the State Board of Education are appointed by the Governor before
the first Monday in May. After 1922 one member shall be appointed
annually for a term of seven years from the first Monday in May next
succeeding the appointment. Neither the Governor nor the State
Superintendent of Schools is a member of this Board, as was the case
before 1916.
The State Board of Education selects a State Superintendent of
Schools, and through him and his assistants, has general control of
the Public School System of the State. The Board is a legislative
body, and, as such, enacts by-laws and prescribes rules and regulations
for carrying into effect the provisions of the school laws. These by-
laws and rules include regulations for the construction of school build-
ings, for grading and atan,dardizing all public schools, for the certifi-
cation of public school teachers, for taking the bi-ennial school cen-
sus, and for a uniform series of forms and blanks for the use of
county superintendents, school officials and teachers.
The State Superintendent of Schools is the executive officer of the
Board. The members of the State Board of Education a.nd the State
Superintendent of Schools are ex-officio trustees of the State Normal
State Superintendent of Schools.
The present position was created by the General Assembly of 1900.
The principal of the Maryland State Normal School before that time