Colors in the World War.
List of Colors and Standards turned over to the State of Maryland by
the United States upon demobilization of organizations named.
Organization. Colors or Standards.
115th Infanthy.................................................................... U. S. & Regtal. (2)
313th Infantry..-_......................................- .................... " " " " (2)
808th Pioneer Infantry..................................................." " " " (2)
Organization Colors or Standards.
811th Pioneer Infantry................................................. " " " " (2)
110th Machine Gun Battalion..................................... " " (1)
310th Field Artillery...................._____................... " (1)
112th Machine Chin Battalion.............................._ Bate. (1)
110th Field Artillery........................................... Regtal. (1)
351st Field Artillery.................................................." " " " (2)
351st Field Artillery........................................................... " "(Bunting) (1)
Chapter 458, Acts of 1918, designates and adopts the Rudbeckia hirta,
or Black-eyed Susan as the floral emblem of the State of Maryland, and
directs the Governor to declare the same by Proclamation.