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Maryland Manual, 1924
Volume 135, Page 203   View pdf image (33K)
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Dairymen's Association in November, 1915, and is an exten-
sive breader of Holstein-Friesian cattle. He is also presi-
dent of the Maryland State Fair and Agricultural Society.

At the 1916 session of the General Assembly of Maryland
Mr. Dennis was. elected Treasurer of the State of Maryland,
serving for two years. He was elected for the second time
in 1&20, succeeding Hon. William Purnell Jackson; was re-
elected iii 1922, and again in 1924 by the unanimous vote of
the General Assembly. His term will expire in February,

Comptroller of the Treasury: WM. S. GORDY, JR. (Demo-
crat), Salisbury, Maryland.

William Sidney Gordy, Jr., was born December 21st,
1873, at Salisbury, Maryland. His father was the late Wil-
liam Sidney Gordy, who for many years was connected with
the business interests of Salisbury, and was a son of Samuel
Gordy, one of the early settlers and merchants of this city.
His mother, who is also deceased, was before her marriage,
Virginia Dashiell Brewington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry J. Brewington. In November, 1901, Mr. Gordy mar-
ried Miss M. Clara White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Henry White of Salisbury, Maryland.

Mr. Gordy received his education in the public schools of
Wicomico County. His first employment was as clerk in the
local freight office of the New York, Philadelphia & Norfolk
Railroad Company, later being passenger and freight agent
for the Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic Railway Com-
pany at Salisbury, Maryland, until he was transferred to
the General Freight and Passenger office in Baltimore;
after which he returned to Salisbury as Chief Clerk in the
Division Passenger and Freight Office of that road. He
resigned his railroad position in June, 1897, to accept a po-
sition with the Salisbury National Bank, and has filled
every position in that institution, having been elected
Cashier in 1912. which office he still holds. In 1914 he suc-
ceeded his father in an insurance brokerage business, which
he is still conducting.

In 1916 Mr. Gordy was elected president of the Asso-
ciated Banks of Somerset, Worcester and Wicomico Coun-
ties. a local Banking Association of the Eastern Shore. In
1918 he was honored by being elected president of the Mary-
land Bankers' Association, in session at Atlantic City. For
many years he has served as Treasurer and also a director


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Maryland Manual, 1924
Volume 135, Page 203   View pdf image (33K)
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