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Maryland Manual, 1924
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graduated from that institution with the degree of LL. B. in
June, 1917. In 1914 he married Elizabeth Somerville Wilson,
daughter of Joseph B. and Jeanette Yates Clagett Wilson,
of Upper Marlboro, Maryland. They have two sons and a
daughter, Blair Lee, III, Edward Brooke Lee, Jr., and
Elizabeth Somerville Lee.

In June, 1912, Brooke Lee enlisted in F Company, First
Maryland Infantry, at Hyattsville, Maryland. He held all
enlisted and commissioned grades up to Captain in the First
Maryland Infantry, serving as company commander during
the Border Service in 1916. He commanded K Company
when the First Maryland was called for World War service,
and was placed in command of K Company, 115th Infantry,
when that Regiment was organized from the Maryland
rational Guard Brigade at Camp McClellan, Alabama, in
October, 1917. He commanded K Company, 115th Infantry,
during the period the Twenty-ninth Division held a sector
of the line in Alsace, during which period he was twice cited
by his Division Commander for gallantry in action, and twice
decorated by the French with the Croix de Guerre. He re-
ceived the American Distinguished Service Cross and the
Belgian Order of Leopold for leading the advance of a raid-
ing party through the enemy wire on August 31, 1918, and
for being the last to leave the enemy trenches. He was pro-
moted to the rank of Major and placed in command of the
Second Battalion, 115th Infantry, November 2, 1918, and
was discharged at Camp Meade, Maryland, as Major of that
Battalion, in June, 1919. He commanded the Second Bat-
talion, 320th Infantry, 80th Division of Organized Beserves,
in 1922 and 1923, and is now serving as Lieutenant Colonel,
Assistant Chief of Staff of the 29th Division, National Guard
of Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia.

He was elected Comptroller of the State of Maryland on
November 4, 1919, and served the two-year term in that office.
In 1922 he engaged actively in building and land develop-
ment at Silver Spring, in addition to working as Secretary
and Treasurer of the Silver Spring Building Supply Com-
pany. He was appointed Secretary of State in September.
1923, and reappointed in January, 1924.


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Maryland Manual, 1924
Volume 135, Page 198   View pdf image (33K)
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