Appointed by the Governor:
Edward H. Rogers..............................................................................944 W. Fayette St.
Charles H. Frederick............................................................................1825 Bolton St.
August V. Eidman....................................................................................3209 Vickers Road
The Governor appoints, for a term of two years from the first day
in May, three skilled plumbers of Baltimore City, who, with the Com-
missioner of Health of Baltimore City and one member of the State
Board of Health, comprise the Board. (Ch. 436, 1910.)
The law of Maryland requires that those who may desire to engage
in or work at plumbing shall first secure a certificate of their com-
petency. It is the duty of this Board to examine those so engaged
and to ascertain whether or not they are entitled to a certificate.
The Board holds meetings regularly twice a week from February
1st to May 1st of each year for the renewing of and issuing of licenses,
and from May 1st to October 1st for the examination of those desiring
to engage in the business of plumbing.
Master certificates are given upon a successful answer to a written
and practical examination, while the journeyman certificates are given
to those who successfully answer a verbal and practical examination.
Equitable Building, Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
Thomas L. Berry......................................1925 ..................... Baltimore
Raymond C. Reik.................................1923 ...................................... Baltimore
James K. Egan.............. 1924 ................................... Baltimore
W. Milnes Maloy.............................1924 ........................................... Baltimore
W. O. Weyforth...................1924 ...................................... Baltimore
The Governor appoints three Certified Accountants, one for one
year, one for two years and one for three years, and as these terms
expire a successor is appointed for a full term of three years; together
with one attorney for a term of two years and one economist, selected
from a list of three names submitted by the President of the Johns
Hopkins University, for a term of two years. (Ch. 330, 1916.)
The duties of this Board are to examine all applicants for certifi-
cates as Certified Public Accountants. Examinations shall be held at
least once in each year and be conducted according to such rules and
regulations as the Board may adopt. The results of the examinations
are reported to the Governor who issues certificates accordingly, and
the Governor may revoke such certificates for cause.