Dr. Harry L. Homer _.................................................................. . . Baltimore
Dr. Henry T. Collenberg ...........................................................Baltimore
Dr. J. McPherson Scott .................................................................................Hagerstown
Dr. John L. Riley ......................................................... Snow Hill
Dr. Eldridge E. Wolff..........................................__.................."Cambridge
Address Dr. J. McPherson Scott, Secretary, Hagerstown Maryland.
The following appointed by the Maryland State Homeopthic Med-
ical Society:
Dr. Wm. Dulany Thomas, President, 612-13 Professional Bldg, Baltimore
Dr. J. 0. Hendrix..........................................................................................Frederick, Md.
Dr. A. P. Stauffer..........................................................................................Hagerstown, Md.
Dr. J. Ward Wisner................................................................ Baltimore, Md.
Dr. H. H. Stansbury......................__..................................Baltimore, Md.
Dr. Henry Russell.............................................................. Baltimore, Md.
Dr. E. H. Wilgey, Secy-Treas...................................................... Chesapeake City, Md.
The function of the Board of Medical Examiners is. to determine
licensure of physicians, same to be secured by examination conducted
by the Board or through recognition of license issued by other States.
Two examinations are held, in December and June, each year in An-
atomy, Physiology, Medical Chemistry, Surgery, Practice, Materia
Medica, Therapeutics, Obstetrics and Pathology. A fee of $15.00 is re-
quired of each participant in the examination. Fee of $25.00 of licen-
tiates coming from other States, and fee of $15.00 for the preparation
of transfer papers in the manner required by the State of which recog-
nition is sought.
Union Trust Building, Baltimore.
(All Terms Expire 1924.)
Name. Postoffice.
Harry Cluster, Exhibitor...........................................................................Baltimore
John H. C. Bedford, Operator...............................................................Baltimore
William H. Miller..........................................................................................................Baltimore
Governor bi-enially appoints in and for Baltimore City three; one
from Board of Fire Underwriters' Association, one licensed moving pic-
ture machine operator, a member of the Moving Picture Operators'
Union, one exhibitor licensed to operate motion picture machines; all
of whom have had not less than three years' experience at the business
and who have resided in Baltimore City for not less than two years
next preceding their appointment. (Ch. 195, 1918.)
It is the duty of this Board to examine and license operators of
moving picture machines, and has supervision over the same, in Balti-
more City only.