hold office until the first Monday of May, 1924, and until his successor
shall have been appointed and qualify, and thereafter the term of the
Director shall be four years. The associate members first appointed
shall be so classed by the Governor that the terms of office of two shall
expire on the first Monday of May, 1924, the terms of office of two on
the first Monday of May, 1926, and the terms of office of two on the
first Monday of May, 1928, and thereafter in each case the Governor,
with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint two associate
members in the place of the two whose terms shall so expire, and there-
after 'the terms of the associate members shall be six years, respectively.
Vacancies in said Board shall be filled by the Governor for the unex-
pired term, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. (Ch.
29. 1922.)
The Board of Welfare succeeds the State Board of Prison Control,
which administered the affairs of the Maryland Penitentiary and the
House of Correction.
Sykesville, Md.
Ex-Officio Members:
Governor Albert C. Ritchie............................................................ Baltimore
Comptroller Wm. S. Gordy, Jr......................... Salisbury
Treasurer John M. Dennis..........................................Riderwood
Appointed Members:
Name. Postoffice Term Expires
Wade H. D. Warfield.....................Westminster ....................................1928
Frank B. Beasman........................Baltimore ............................ . ..............1928
C. Wilbur Miller.............................Baltimore County ................................1924
Joseph J. Hock...............................Baltimore ..................................................1924
Humphrey D. Wolfe....................Glendale ................................................1926
Mrs. John M. Requardt...............Baltimore .................................................1926
Secretary and Treasurer:
John M. Dennis, Union Trust Building, Baltimore.
Dr. J. Clement Clarke.
The Board consists of the Governor, Comptroller, Treasurer, ex-
officio members, and six others appointed by the Governor, with the
consent of the Senate; two bi-ennially for a term of six years from
the first day in May. ( Bagby Code, Art. 44, Sec. 16. )
Patients are received upon order of the Supervisors of City Chari-
ties of Baltimore City, and the various County Commissioners, who
pay the hospital $125.00 per capita per annum, the certificates of two
physicians being required in all cases.
The psychopathic reception hospital lias been finished and occupied.
An additional farm of 142 acres has been purchased, the institution
grounds now covering a total of 1,132 acres, and more intensive farm-
ing is being done. The hospital now houses 1,560 patients, with 100
more on parole, and is much crowded. However, when the buildings for'
which the last Legislature appropriated $200,000.00 are completed, this
condition will be relieved; but, as no maintenance was provided for,
very few patients can be received until the next Legislature