Denton S. Lowe...........................................Wittman
Chief Clerk:
John H. Coppage.....................................................Church Hill
Oliver H. Henry..........................................Easton
William R. Wilson....................................................................................lngleside
Edward A. Perkins...............................................................Baltimore City
D. Edgar Hurlock........................................................................................Church Hill
Miss Ruth Sulivane..........................................Cambridge
J. Frank Kenny..........................................Texas
The present Commissioner's term ends on the first Monday in May,
1924. Thereafter for a term of four years from the first Monday in May,
Ch. 29, 1922.
The duties placed upon the Commissioner in the enforcement of the
insurance laws are very numerous and important, comprising the col-
lection of large sums of money, principally from taxes on premiums
and license fees, examination of the financial affairs of all companies
organized under the laws of this State, as well as all other companies
doing business in the State that the Commissioner thinks proper to
examine, and supervision of the entire business of insurance within
statutory limitations. He is charged with the duty of seeing that all
laws of this State relating to insurance or insurance companies are
faithfully executed. For that purpose he is authorized to maintain
office and to employ such assistants as may be necessary, including a
Deputy Insurance Commissioner, an Actuary, an Examiner, an Auditor,
and in addition to these such clerical assistance as he may deem neces-
sary for the proper and efficient discharge of the duties of his Depart-
ment within an appropriation as provided in the budget.
Union Trust Building, Baltimore.
Name. Term Expires. Postoffice.
J. Enos Ray, Chairman...................1926 ..........................................................Chillum
Oscar Leser (Minority ) .................1928 ................................................Baltimore
Jesse D. Price...........................1924 ..................................................Salisbury
Charles C. Wallace.........................................................................Baltimore
The State Tax Commission was created by the General Assembly
of 1914, Chapter 841.
The Act creating the Commission designated the personnel of the
first Board, which was composed of Arthur P. German, Jr., as Chair-
man, Lewin W. Wickes, and Oscar Leser, who was the minority mem-