858 INDEX.
House bill to incorporate the Mutual Life In-
surance Company of, read and referred, 326; re-
ported without amendment, and read the second
time, 372; read the third time, and passed, 443 ;
returned to the House, ib.
House bill to repeal the 107th section of article
1, of the Code of Public Local Laws of, relating
to the Superintendent of the National Road, read
and referred, 369; reported without amendment,
and read the second time, 633; read the third
time, and passed, 665; returned to the House, ib.
House bill to amend an Act to incorporate the
Mutual Insurance Company of, read and referred,
370; reported without amendment, and read the
second time; 434; read the third time, and
passed, 469; returned to the House, ib.
Leave granted to report a bill to pay the State's
Attoroney for, 371; reported unfavorably, and
bill rejected, 435.
House bill to incorporate the Miners and Me-
chanics Co-operative Store, of Franklin Mines, in,
read and referred, 424; reported without amend-
ment, and read the second time, 455; read the
third time, and pussed, 484; returned to the
House, ib.
House bill to in corporate the Wright Mining
Company of, read and referred, 454; reported
without amendment, and read the second time,
496; read the third time, and passed, 545; re-
turned to the House, ib.
House bill to incorporate the Midlothian Coal
and Iron Company of, read and referred, 626; re-
ported with amendment, and read the second time,
671; amendment adopted, 786; read the third
time, and passed, ib.; returned to the House, ib.
House bill to incorporate the town of Blooming-
ton, in, read and referred, 627; reported without
amendment, and read the second time, 671.
House bill to authorize the County Commission-
ers of, to levy an additional school tax, read and
referred, 628; reported with amendment, and
read the second time, 704; read the third time,
and passed, 787; returned to the House, ib.
House bill to authorize the Commissioners of,