856 INDEX.
two suitable frames to contain the, delivered on
the occasion of the resignation of his commission
as Commander-in-Chief of the American forces,
&c., &c., 126; further ordered that the Commit-
tee on Finance ba instructed to report the same
by bill or otherwise, ib.
Bill reported to procure suitable frames to con-
tain the, and read the first time, 536; amended,
590; read the second and third times, and passed,
590; sent to the House, ib.; returned passed, 626.
ADJOURNMENT—Orders in regard to, 8, 36, 49, 57, 68,
95, 112, 113, 184, 187, 195, 224, 244, 288, 319,
329, 400, 510, 542, 635, 726.
Message from the House proposing to adjourn
sine die, message in reply concurring, 536.
Message to the House, proposing to postpone
adjourning sine die, rejected, 731.
Message to the House proposing to rescind the
joint resolution to adjourn sine die, adopted, 751;
message concurring, 761. .
Message to the House proposing to adjourn sine
die, 802; message in reply concurring, 813.
Senate declared adjourned sine, die, 815.
ADJUTANT GENERAL—Leave granted to report a bill
requiring the, to furnish 60 cadet muskets or En-
field rifles, with accoutrements, 6 officer's swords
and belts, to the trustees of Charlotte Hall School,
31; bill reported and read the first time,'187;
read the second time, 215; read the third time
and passedj 485; sent to the House, ib.
House bill to revive and continue in force the Act
of 1854, chapter 60, entitled, an Act to incorpo-
rate a society in Washington county, to be styled
the, read and referred, 178; reported without
amendment, and read the second time, 276; read
the third time and passed, 418; returned to the
House, ib.
to report a bill to add an additional Article to the
Code of Public General Laws entitled, 217; bill
reported, and read the first time, 304; read the
second time, 589; read the third time, and passed,
sent to the House, ib.