such by-laws shall not be contrary to any law of
this State or of the United States. |
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That every person or
persons who shall be a weekly depositor of said
Corporation, and who shall have deposited not less
than one dollar for each week for the period of ten
weeks, shall thereby become a member of said Cor-
poration, and shall have a right to require and re-
ceive from the President thereof, or other officer
in their behalf, by the by-laws appointed and de-
signated, a certificate of membership, and the per-
son so becoming a member, shall so long as his
said amount of deposit shall remain with the said
Corporation be entitled to all the rights and privi-
leges belonging to a member of said Corporation
under the provisions of this Act, and under any
by-laws of the said Corporation, and the regular
weekly deposits of any members of said Corpora-
tion shall in no case exceed the sum of ten dollars
for any one week, and the whole amount of such
deposits of any such member shall in no case ex-
ceed the sum of five thousand dollars, and it is
hereby provided that nothing in this Act contain-
ed shall be so construed as to confer authority on
the Directors or Stockholders by any rule or by-
law to restrict or limit the number of weekly de-
positors who may desire to deposit or become mem- |
Who shall be
members. |
bers of said Corporation; provided, however, that
the amount paid in by each depositor be not less
than one dollar per week, and that they in all
things comply with the provisions of this Act, and
the rules and by-laws which may from time to
time be adopted. |
Proviso. |
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said corpo-
ration shall be capable to receive from any person
or persons any deposit or deposits of money; and
to use all moneys so received in discounting notes,
&c., or to invest the same in public stock or other
securities at the discretion of the Directors, ac-
cording to the by-laws, and in such manner as they
deem most safe and beneficial, and the said corpo-
ration shall be capable of receiving from any per-
son or persons any transient deposit or deposits of
money, which said deposit or deposits shall be
subject to the checks from time to time of the per- |
and invest-
ment. |
son or persons making the same; provided, that |
Proviso. |