twenty-fourth day of May, eighteen hundred and
sixty-six, rescinded its acceptance of the trust in
reference to said Institute, which had been re-
posed in said Society by Mr. Peabody; and
whereas, the performance of all the functions of
. the Institute has been assumed by the Trustees
thereof, and has devolved on them, and Mr. Pea-
body has subsequently increased the funds of said
Institute to one million of dollars by a recent mu-
nificent donation of five hundred thousand dollars ;
and whereas, various persons originally named by
Mr. Peabody in his letter of the fourteenth of
February, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven,
printed in the charter of said Institute, as eligible
to fill vacancies occurring in the Board of Trus-
tees thereof have died, and it is desirable that a
large and unrestricted choice should be given to
said Trustees in filling vacancies which now exist
or may occur in their body; and whereas, Mr.
Peabody has expressed a desire that the charter of
said institute should be altered as herein provided,
in order to conform to the altered condition of its
affairs; therefore, |
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the Board of Trustees of the
said Institute, if they shall find that the number
of twenty-five Trustees is larger than is needed for
the effective and advantageous administration of
the Institute may reduce the number to fifteen, by
omitting to fill vacancies which may from time to
time occur in the Board, and when so reduced the
number of Trustees shall always thereafter con-
sist of fifteen. |
Board of
Trustees. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That all vacancies in
the Board, now existing or which may hereafter
occur, may be filled by the Board by the election
of any person or persons residing in the city of
Baltimore or State of Maryland, who, in the judg-
ment of the Board, may be suitable and qualified
for the office. |
Vacancies to
be filled. |
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That, whereas, the
name of such Institute is in one place in said char-
ter incorrectly printed, the proper name of said
institute is the " Peabody Institute of the City of
88 |
Name of In
stitute. |