more of said persons, or in case of the refusal of
any one or more of said persons to act as Direct-
ors, the remaining persons shall have power to
select other persons as Directors for the time he-
ing in their stead. |
General meet-
ing of Stock-
holders. |
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted) That whenever
the said Company shall be organized before proceed-
ing to the prosecution of its business general meet-
ing of the stockholders thereof shall be held at
such time and place as the above named corpora-
tors shall appoint, and of which appointment no-
tice shall be given for at least three weeks by ad-
vertisement once a week in a newspaper in Gum-
land, or such other notice as the said corporators
shall appoint, and that at such meeting a President
and six Directors, all of whom shall be stockhold-
ers of said Company, shall be chosen to serve for
one year thereafter, and until the next election
shall be held, and that annually thereafter at such
time and place as the President and Directors
shall appoint like previous notice being given, a
general election of President and Directors shall
be held for the succeeding year, and if from any
cause it shall so happen that an election shall not
be made on the appointed day the said Company
shall not be deemed, for that cause) to be dissolved
but such election may be afterwards made on any
day which may be appointed for that purpose, by
the President and Directors for the time being,
notice thereof being given as aforesaid. |
Rights and
powers. |
Sec. T. And be it further enacted, That said compa-
ny be and the same is hereby invested with all and
singular the rights, powers and authority which are
necessary to enable it to locate, construct and main-
tain such railroad or railroads, as the president and
directors may deem necessary for the convenient
transaction of its business, beginning at or near
the mines of said company and running to the
Cumberland and Pennsylvania Railroad, or any
branch thereof, or to any other railroad now made,
or hereafter to be made at a point nearest to said
mine or mines, by the most practicable route. |
Failure to
agree with ow-
ners. |
Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said
' company in locating and constructing any railroad
or railroads authorized by this Act, shall have the
right if they cannot agree with the owners of any |