Court of each county, and of the Superior Court of
the city of Baltimore respectively, for the faithful
performance of his duties as such Commissioner,
and subscribe to the following oath before the said |
Comptroller, viz : I, — do solemnly swear or af-
firm, that I will faithfully and impartially dis-
charge the duties of Commissioner of slave statistics
to the best of my judgment and ability, according to
the laws of the State of Maryland, so help me
God. And any vacancy occurring by the death,
resignation or other cause, of any of the Commis-
sioners so appointed, after the adjournment of the
Legislature, shall be filled by the Governor of the
State. |
Oath to be
taken. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the Commission-
ers so appointed shall procure suitable printed
blank forms or tabular statements, which when
properly filled up or made according to the pro-
visions of this Act, shall exhibit the names of the
former owners of slaves in their respective coun-
ties or districts at the time of the adoption of the
Constitution in the year eighteen hundred and six-
ty-four, the names, number, age, sex and physi-
cal condition of such slaves, whether they were
slaves for life or for a term of years, and how
many years, whether they have been enlisted or
drafted into the military service of the United
States so far as is known to said owners or others,
and into what regiments they were placed, and
what compensation, if any, has been received from
the State or General Government by such owner
or owners for such slaves so enlisted or drafted into
the military service of the United States. |
ers to procure
printed blank
forms. |
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Com-
missioners shall visit each election district in their
respective counties of winch full notice shall be
given, both in the public newspapers and by print-
ed handbills, and in Baltimore city shall open an
office and give notice of the same as aforesaid, and
after giving such notice for at least ten days, shall
proceed to take the evidence of the former owner-
ship of slaves in tins State according to the intent
and provisions of this Act, and the testimony in
all cases shall bo the sworn statement of the form-
er owner or owners, or his or her or their legal |
Required to
visit each Elec-
tion District,
&c. |
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