Resolved, By the General Assembly of Maryland, on be-
half of those of her loyal citizens whose husbands and fath-
ers have given their lives for the maintenance of our Govern-
ment, That any monies or lands hereafter appropriated by
Congress to Maryland as compensation for losses sustained by
the war, be set apart as a fund to be used in the support of
the widows of loyal Union soldiers who fell in the late terri-
ble struggle, and in the maintenance and education of their
children. And be it further
Resolved, That the General Assembly ought to provide by
law for taking and perpetuating the evidence of the amount
and value of all private property taken and destroyed by the
rebel army during its several invasions of the State, hoping
that at some future time Congress may see, fit to compensate
the loyal people of the State for the loss of all property taken
and destroyed by the armed enemies of the United States