In accordance with the views presented by Dr. Barnard to
the Trustees, he has visited some parts of the State, and con-
versed and corresponded with its citizens, (though he pro-
poses more extensively to enter upon these duties) in order
to enlist the friends of education in a plan for building up
on the basis of their public schools a system of higher edu-
cation, in which each of the Institutions of Learning receiv-
ing the aid of the State may do its appropriate work in the
liberal and practical culture of the youth of the State.
In making known to the people of the State the advan-
tages St. John's now possesses for the collegiate education of
their sons, he will set forth its claims for contributions from
their liberality and public spirit, by the endowment of pro-
fessorships, scholarships, &c., by accessions to the library
and apparatus, and generally to the material aid of the Insti-
In this work he is sanguine of success if encouraged by the
State. He has never failed in such undertakings in other
States, nor can we believe that the people of this State will
fail in a favorable response to such an appeal in behalf of so
liberal and extensive a work of public instruction.
Already Dr. Barnard has assurances of five hundred vol-
umes from the library of the late Dr. Wilson, of Pennsylva-
nia, and of such accessions from others within and without
this State as will add to the library of the College at least
twenty-five hundred volumes.
The provisions of the charter constitute the Governor and
Lieutenant-Governor of the State, the Speaker of the House
of Delegates and the Judges of the Court of Appeals, ex
officio Visitors and Governors of the College, and thus secure
to the State always an able and efficient influence in their
councils, and to a great extent constitute the College a State
In view of the present condition and prospects of St.
John's College the Visitors and Governor do not hesitate in
confidently recommending that venerable Institution of
Learning to the patronage and protection of the General
Assembly of Maryland.
By order of the Board, &c.
Secretary of the Board
of Visitors and Governors of St. John's College,