tion has been devoted principally to the same objects, and
aided as I have always been by constant intercourse and cor-
respondence with most intelligent practical farmers and plan-
ters from every part of the State, I am enabled to give as
precise, full and reliable information as can be well imparted
in a work of this size, and to afford a better and surer guide
to those seeking to purchase land in this State, than can as
yet be obtained from any other single source.
I do not pretend to give in detail the relative merits of each
tract of land that may be offered for sale, or that may be
sought for purchase, but only to point out the specific advan-
tages of each section and of the different counties; from these the
reader can have information on topics of general interest, and
will be shown where to go to seek a home, the special loca-
tion will in all cases, of course, depend on the means, the
taste and the particular choice of the purchaser.
Special facts in relation to particular locations, may be ob-
tained in a great measure from my former Agricultural Re-
ports, and will with pleasure be furnished, free of expense, to
all seeking lands in Maryland. All of my local, practical
and professional knowledge, can be fully obtained by those
to become our future neighbors, and I hope, friends.