Table showing the number of Prisoners received in the Mary-
land Pernttntiary from 1858, to 1866, inclusive; also, the
number qf white and colored.
Received from December 1st 1866, to date 80.
Tour Committee after careful examination into the facts,
would respectfully suggest tome oh uige in the statute rela-
tive to minor offences, and the establishment of a House of
Correction for tha confinement of such criminals, where their
labor might be made more available than it can possibly be
in the Penitentiary, owing to the objections urged above, or
by toch legislation as your best judgment may prompt, to re-
lieve the State of the heavy burden now imposed upon her for
the annual support of those miserable paupers, for sach they
actually become when Bent for short terms. We would sug-
gest that no prisoner be tent to the Penitentiary for a shorter
period than eighteen months, and that some other and better
mode of punishment be adapted with the petty offences.