17. Will you write us in regard to the welfare of the child,
on the first of January and first of July of every year ?—
(This is very important, and we will insist strictly upon its
being complied with.)
18. May we consider you an APPLICANT for a child till we
furnish you with one, or hear from you to the contrary ?
Name of Applicant,
" " Post Office,
" " Witness, Residence,
" " Witness; , Residence,
Cor. Secretary of Local Committee,
N. B. It is ABSOLUTELY requisite that the applicant after
stating the SEX ond AGE of the child desired, answer in WRITING a
the foregoing questions in accordance with the following ex-
planatory notes, as no child will be placed out until we receive
the above form of Contract, SATISFACTORILY WILLED UP, SIGNED,
Question 1. We require this question to be answered as
explicitly as possible, the applicant stating briefly his object
and design, in applying for the child, with the occupation or
business in life for which he designs to fa it.
Question 2. We require, that so far, as kind considerate
and espectful treatment is concerned, the child be received
upon an equality with the adplicants family, should it be
ascertained upon a trial of two months, that the child is un.
suitable it can be returned to our "Home" in Baltimore, at No.
72 North Calvert Street, near Pleasant.
Question 3. We require the child to be clad as genteely and
as comfortably, as the children of country gentlemen generally.
Question 4. We require, that the child be retained until
the expiration of its full term of trial. Should it be desirable
to return it, ten days previous notice must be given.
Question 5. We require, should the child be returned that
it be delivered by its foster parent, in person, or by the hands
of some perfectly responsible person to the agent, or in his
absence, one of the officers at the "Home" in as good condi-
tion in respect to clothing, as when received.
Question 6. We require, in the case of sickness, disease or
accident, that the child receive proper medical attention, and
careful nursing under your special care, and must not be re-
turned in a sickly, diseased or maimed condition.