Between the Parent or Guardian and the Children's Aid So-
ciety of Baltimore, Md.
[Blank Form filled up as a Specimen.]
BALTIMORE, MD., October 1, 1866.
For and in consideration of expenses already incurred by
the Managers of the Children's Aid Society of Baltimore,
and in consideration of their providing a good home, by adop-
tion, or as member of the family of some suitable person in
the country, I hereby agree to surrender over to the said
Children's Aid Society of Baltimore, all claim to my child
Edward Jones, who will be ten years of age on twenty-third
day of November next, until he arrives at the age of twenty-
one years; and 1 do hereby agee and most solemnly promise in
the presence of the undersigned witnesses, that in consideration
of the annexed promise inade me by Wm. C. Palmer, Agent
of said Children's Aid Society of Baltimore, to proeure my
son a good home in the country, and to watch over and protect
him until he becomes of age, that I will in no case molest or
trouble the family with whom he is placed, nor attempt to re-
move him without their consent, or the consent of the Mana-
gers of this Society.
Witness, 'William Jos. Turner. Residencej No. 45 —street.
Witness, Isaac M. Donaldson. Residence, No. 47 — street.
BALTIMORE, MD. October 1, 1866.
On behalf of the Managers of the Childron's Aid Society
of Baltimore, I do hereby agree with, and do most solemnly
promise Mr. Evan Jones, to use every effort in my power to
procure his son Edward Jones, who will be ten years of age
on the twenty-third day of November next, a good home,
either by adoption, or as a member of the family of some suit-
able person in the country, and that I will continue to took
after and protect him in the home to which he is sent by the
Managers of the said Children's Aid Society of Baltimore as
long as he is under our control, or until he arrives at the age
of twenty-one years,
WM. C. PALMER, Agent.
Witness, Guorge Shreck. Residence, No. 135 Blanket.
Witness, Michael Ehrman, Residence, No. 7 Blank st.