dent, Directors and Company of the Baltimore and Potomac
Railroad Company the sum of five thousand dollars as liqui-
dated damages, and the said contract shall be null and void,
and the President and Directors of the said company shall be
exonerated from every obligation imposed upon them by this
contract, and they may immediately proceed to dispose there-
of in such a manner as if it never existed.
And it is further covenanted and agreed by and between
the parties, that the parties of the second part shall com-
plete the said railroad within two yea s from the date of this
contract from the aforesaid point on the Annapolis and Elk-
ridge road to a point at or within one mile northwest of Up-
per Marlboro', with all necessary depots, switches, sidings,
engines cars, and rolling stock required for the working of
said portion of said road, and in case the parties of the second
part shall not finish the said portion of the said road as afore-
said within the two years, the parties of the second part shall
forfeit and pay to the President, Directors and Company of
the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Company, the sum of
twenty-five thousand dollars as liquidated damages, and the
said contract shall, at the option of the President and Direc-
tors of the said company, within sixty days from the failure
of the parties of the second part to comply with the terms of
this covenant, be declared null and void, and the President
and Directors of the said company shall be exonerated from
every obligation imposed upon them by this contract, and
they may immediately proceed to dispose thereof in such a
manner as if it never existed.
And it is further covenanted and agreed by and between
the parties, that the parties of the second part shall well and
truly execute all parts of this contract, and shall finish the
main line of said road from or near Baltimore city to some
point on the Potomac river, and the lateral branch to the line
of the District of Columbia, within the time required by the
charter, and fully equip the same with the necessary rolling
stock, station-houses, depots, switches, and so forth, as here-
inbefore provided, and in case the said road shall not be fin-
ished within the time aforesaid, and fully equipped as herein-
before provided, the said parties of the second part shall
forfeit and pay to the President, Directors and Company of
the said road twenty-five thousand dollars as liquidated dam-
ages, and the said contract shall, at the option of the Presi-
dent and Directors of the said company, within sixty days
from the failure of the parties of the second part to comply
with the terms of this covenant, be declared null and void,
and the President and Directors of the said company shall be
exonerated from every obligation imposed upon them by this
contract, and they may immediately proceed to dispose thereof
in such manner as if it never existed