President and Directors of the Baltimore and Potomac Rail
Road Company may from time to time designate, all such
necessary switches, sidings, depots, buildings for the accom-
modation of passengers, and warehouses for the accommoda-
tion of freight that may be offered for transportation on said
Thirdly. That they, the said parties of the second part,
will grade and prepare in a thorough and workmanlike man-
ner, agreeably to the direction of the engineer of the said com-
pany, a clear and open roadway on the lines of the said main
stem and branch roads as hereinbefore designated; the width
of the said roadway to be twenty-six feet at least at the bot-
tom of the excation and the top of the embankment, both of
which are to be level transversely and straight in the direc-
tion of the road in conformity to the planes, whether horizon-
tal or inclined, as may be established by the engineer of said
company, including such drains and ditches as the said en-
gineer may order; and whenever the said railroad crosses or
runs along any road heretofore used, such bridges are to be
built, and such crossing opened; and prepared as may, in the
pinion of the said engineer, be necescary for the accomoda-
tion of travel.
Fourthly. That they, the said parties of the second part,
will build and complete in a mechanical and workmanlike
manner all such arched and common culverts and walls,
abutments and piers which may, in the opinion of the engi-
neer of the said company, be necessary on said roads to be
built in the most strong and substantial manner, the founda-
tions to be of such length and breadth, and secured in such
manner as the said engineer shall prescribe. The walls of
the abutments, piers, wings and parapets of the bridges,
and walls of the culverts and other walls, to be of such length,
height and thickness, and to conform to such slope as the said
engineeer shall direct. The arch or arches of all culverts
over four feet span to be composed of the best paving brick
or substantial stone, to be approved by the said engineer, and
to be grouted before the centres are struck. Such part or
portion of the masonry to be dry, as the said engineer may
designate, and the balance to be laid on mortar to be com-
posed of such sand and lime, and mixed in such proportions
as the said engineer may approve.
Fifthly. That they, the said parties of the second part, will
build and construct in the most substantial and workmanlike
manner all the bridges which may be necessary on the said
road; the bridges over the Patuxent and other rivers to be
constructed of equal strength and durability, and in like man-
ner and of the same material with those which have been con-
structed and are now being used by the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road Company over the said rivers, unless some equally
strong and more convenient or economical structures may be