fates, George W. McCulloh had twenty-three hundred and
fty-six (2,356) votes, for the House of Delegates, Patrick
Hammil had twenty-three hundred and seven (2,307) votes
for the House of Delegates, William Devecmon had twenty-
three hundred and thirty-six (2,336) votes for the House of
Delegates, John McElfish had twenty-two hundred and nine-
ty-seven (2,297) votes, for the House of Delegates, William
A. Bryden had twenty-three hundred and thirty-four (2,334)
votes, for the House of Delegates; whereupon we do deter-
mine, declare and return that Robert Bruce had the highest
number of legal votes for Comptroller; Francis Thomas had
the highest number of legal votes for Congress; Charles H.
Ohr had the highest number of legal votes, and is duly elect-
ed Senator, and that William R. McCulley, Daniel C. Bruce,
Charles Gilpin, George W. Culloh and Samuel M. Haller,
had the highest number of legal votes, for the House of Dele-
gates, and are duly elected delegates.
We further certify, that twenty hundred and thirteen
(2,013) votes were cast in favor of the Constitutional amend-
ment, and thirteen hundred and fifty-one (1,381) votes were
cast against the Constitutional amendment, and that twelve
hundred and fifty-six (1,256) votes were cast in favor of the
County School Tax, and one hundred and seventeen (117)
votes were cast against the County School Tax.
Given under our hands this 10th day of November, 1866.
Samuel W. Friend, District No. 1.
David Kent, ' " 2.
G. W. Layman, " 3.
E. C. Lyons, " 4.
William Conrad, " 5.
John Borvard, " 6.
Loyd Stallings, " 7.
James F. Hartley, ' " 8.
John Fletcher, " 9.
James Chisholm, " 10.
Joseph De Witt, " 11.
Lewis Pritchard, " 12.
Joseph M. Koevnor, " 13.
John Brady, " 14.
Ralph Thayer, " 15.
John Piekin, " 16.
I, Horace Resley, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany
county, do hereby certify the above and aforegoing to be
truly taken from the original certificate of election, returned by
the judges, and recorded in liber H. R., No. 25, folio 175,
one of the land records of Allegany county, Md.