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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3819   View pdf image (33K)
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For the /Sitting Members.

William R. McCulley, - - 2,399 votes.

Charles Gilpin, - - - 2,380 votes.

Samuel M. Haller, - - 2,359 votes.

Daniel C. Bruce, - - - 2,396 votes.

William A. Falkenstein, - 2,305 votes.

For the Contestants.

George W. McCulloh, - - 2,356 votes.

Patrick Hammill, - - 2,307 votes.

William Devecmon, - - 2,336 votes.

John McElfish, - - 2,297 votes.

William A. Bryden, - - 2,334 votes.

The total number of legal registered votes rejected in the
above mentioned districts, were as follows :

In District No. 1. - 8 votes.

In District No. 2, - 6 votes.

In District No. 3, - 1 vote.

In District No. 5, - - 1 vote.

In District No. 10, - 30 votes.

In District No. 13, - - 1 vote.

In District No. 14, - 2 votes.

In District No. 15, - - 2 votes.

Making in all, 51 votes.

Which were offered to and refused by the judges on the il-
legal grounds set forth above, and which, according to the
testimony of the voters who offered them, would have been
cast for the Contestants. Had these votes been received as
they shonld-have been, and counted for the Contestants, the
result of the election for Delegates in Allegany county, would
have materially changed.

The count would have stood as follows :

The, Contestants.

William Devecmon, - 2,387

William A. Bryden, - - 2,385

Patrick Hammill, - - - 2,358

John McElfish, - - - 2,348

For Sitting Members.

Charles Gilpin, - - - 2,380
Samuel M. Haller, - - - 2,359
William R. McCulley, - - 2,399
Daniel C. Bruce, - - - 2,396
Thus electing two of the Contestants William A. Bryden,
and William Devecmon, over Charles Gilpin and Samuel M.


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3819   View pdf image (33K)
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