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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3812   View pdf image (33K)
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selves with one or the other ruling political parties, with
some, the ignorance of their political power and the un-
dervaluation of their rights and privileges, and with all,
that want of political union of action, which they have
imported with themselves from their disunited fatherland,
have brought about this result. However of late there is a
more lively interest manifested, and many expect that ere
long they will have a larger representation in the body poli-
tic than one delgate in the Legislature or one member in the
City Council.


Before closing this sketch, which is more intended for the
home-seeking wanderer from Europe than of our own popula-
tion, it must be remembered that German philanthropy had
established in Baltimore, already years ago, a society called
"Deutsche Gesettschaft," and this society, for the protection
and assistance of immigrants, is prosperous and active up to
this day.


Lastly, as we have mentioned, the State has also establish-
ed a board for the same purpose, under the control of the
Governor, Comptroller and Treasurer, the highest officers of
the State. Although the efforts of this board are not directed
exclusively towards securing an emigration from any particu-
lar country, that from Germany is considered the most desir-
able, and hence the Secretary of the Commissioner is a Ger-
man. This Secretary, Dr. F. W. Bogen, is a gentleman of
character and intelligence, thoroughly enlisted in the work
of benefitting his countrymen, and is always ready and will-
ing to impart any information, looking as well to the welfare
of the emigrant as to the good of the State he is serving.

The Commissioner of Immigration, in order to afford his
applicants and correspondents the fullest information in re-
gard to the resources of the State, and its abaptability to ev-
ery department of agricultural enterprise, as well as its
manufacturing and mining facilities, the prices for hired la-
bor and the wants of the different enterprises of the State in
this respect, is in constant communication with persons re-
siding in every section of the State, and will cheerfully com-
municate any information, not contained in this publication,
to every applicant free of charge.


And now having shown you the condition of those of your
countrymen who have preceded you, something of the condi-
tion and facilities of the country that awaits you, we cordi-
ally invite you to our State, assuring you that you will find


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3812   View pdf image (33K)
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