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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3800   View pdf image (33K)
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Switzerland, and the blue sky in Italy. "Thus the immi-
grant must choose his new home with well balanced judg-
ment, he must beware of illusions, yet he must bring with
him adaptability, willingness and susceptibility to find what
he is seeking, or he had better remain where he is.

It is also palpable that emigrants from Europe, and more
especially from Germany have fewer sources of statistical in-
formation at hand concerning Maryland and the fate of for-
mer immigrants in this State than desirable and advantage-
ous to an increased influx of the same element. In this view
the figures and date contained in this sketch were compiled,
and whilst it is to be regretted that the author could not reach
much official information of a later date than the census of
1860, it is certainly of great value for him who may consult
these lines, to know that the figures and facts given, are rather
below the present standard than the contrary.

It is a well known fact that of the entire population of the
United States the foreign born element is about eleven per
cent, and that Ireland and Germany furnish by far the largest
quota to this ratio. The former has so far yet the preponder-
ancy, the latter, however shows a decided tendency of soon
out-numbering the other; vide the following statistical table:
Year of Census. For'n Pop. in U. S. Per cent, of tot. For. Pop.

Irish. German. Irish. German.
1850 961,719 573,225 43.51 25.94
1860 1,611,304 1,30.1,136 38.94 31.45
This increase of German immigration over the Irish is so
much more remarkable, when compared with the fact that
during the period mentioned from Ireland 1 of every 5 in-
habitants emigrated, whilst from Germany only 1 out of every
33. The proportion of the native to the foreign-born popula-
tion varies in the various States, and in Maryland it is 88.72,
per cent, natives to 11.28 per cent, foreigners out of which
6.39 per cent, are of German, and 8.62 per cent of Irish birth.
This statement includes among the natives the colored peo-
ple; among the white population (only) there are 84.97 per
cent native and 15.03 per cent foreign citizens. But if we
consider that in this calculation, all the children of foreign
parentage, yet born in this State, are , included among the
natives, whilst on account of language, educational training
and habits they might be properly counted among the foreign
eleinent, it is no exaggeration to say (in a social, not in a
political eense) that this element forms nearly one third of the
white and nearly one fourth of the entire present population
of Maryland, and in application of the ratio of nationalities
previously exhibited, we may safely state that two ninths of
the white and one sixth of Maryland's entire population are
Germans, and one ninth of its white, and one twelfth of its
entire population are Irish, This fact must not only flatter


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3800   View pdf image (33K)
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