farms of large extent, varying from two hundred to one
thousand acres; they have mostly been educated to the grow-
ing of wheat, corn and tobacco, and the cultivation of these,
commenced by the ancestors over a century ago, has become
a stereotyped custom from which they have no inclination to
depart. Again, they have not the disposition to bestow upon
a few acres the care necessary to produce profitable crops of
vegetables. This must be the work of men of moderate means
and consequently of few acres, who will cultivate their tract
by the inch instead of by the acre.
The objection may occur to some mind anxious to arrive at
the whole truth, and who may not be familiar with the locali-
ty of Maryland, that too much attention bestowed upon this
particular branch of industry would create a stock sufficient
to materially affect the prices when brought to market. To
this objection let it be stated that the city of Baltimore has a
population at present, nearly one half as great as the balance
of the State, and besides other towns of less size, it is closely
connected by railroad and steamships with the cities of Wash-
ington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and many interme-
diate cities of less note. Owing to its genial climate, vege-
tables and fruits grown in Maryland are in the market at least
ten days before they can be produced in the vicinity of these
cities. Agents from these places are to be found in scores,
during the Spring and Summer months, in the markets of
Maryland, competing with local buyers for the produce of the
State, raising the prices by their competition, to an exorbitant
Packing vegetables and fruits in cans for winter use, is also
an extensive branch of business only limited by the supply
Having briefly exhibited some of the advantages of a set-
tlement in Maryland, those who are willing to accept the facts
stated, and test them by a personal trial, will be anxious to
know how they may obtain a place of suitable dimensions, it
being stated above that the farms range from 200 to 1000
acres. The Commissioner of Immigration appointed by au-
thority of the Legislature of Maryland, has made ample pro-
visions to supply every applicant with a farm of any size, in
any location at the most reasonable terms. He has "at his dis-
posal over three hundred thousand acres of land, most of it in
improved farms, and a large quantity of woodland.
To accomodate more especially the class of farmers who de-
sire to follow his suggestion in regard to the cultivation of
vegetables and fruits, he has selected from this large quantity
of land several large contiguous tracts in a delightful locality,
bordering on a deep river, only seven hours travel by steam-
boat from the city of Baltimore. This tract is divided advan-
tageously in lots of from one to fifty acres, and be is now pre-