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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3779   View pdf image (33K)
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taining sub-agencies or particular information, have to address
themselves, (free of postage,) to the general agency, the ex-
penses of the first organization for Maryland would be lim-
ited to the payment for advertising.

Local papers, as for example the Volksblatt, published by
myself, wnich appear semi-weekly, are not so well adapted,
(too much time being lost in inserting,) to profit of the emi-
gration fever caused by the annexation of Nassau, Hesse and
Hanover, and the panic subsequent to the general obligation
for military duty.

I am ready to accept this general agency for Maryland, and
leave it to you, Dear Sir, to fix the rate of remuneration for
the same, its the 1/4 dollar kindly guaranteed to me has to be
reserved, at least for the sub-agents. On my own part 1
shall not make any great pretensions, but I foresee that it
the method I pointed sat should be adopted, applicalion should
be entered with the general agency in such vast numbers as
to require clerical help.

If the Government of Maryland will stipulate to me a fixed
salary, from which sum I would cover the expenses of organ-
ization, I would be satisfied for the future with a little commis-
sion per acre, provided it should not prefer to fix my salary
for my activity at this place.

If you look at the map you will find that I live on the
most important Railroad in Germany, the Coln-Minden Rail-
road, in the midst of the lands lately annexed. I have
been occupied as an emigrant agent for Bremen for the last
25 years, and given security to the Government which I would
render, in case it should be enlarged, as it is likely, from my
own means.

If you will have the matter vigorously proceeded with and
the present time, which seems to be admirably adapted, taken,
advantage of, I would ask of you to inform me of it directly,
and to enable me to cause the neeessary insertions and to
cover the expenses which have to be provided for and the cal-
culation of cost you can make yourself, (for the Rotaiske
Zeitung,) by counting the lines of your pamphlet.

If I might recommend some other well circulated papers,
they would be the Berlin Volks Zeitung, and for Westphalia
and Hanover the Westphalean Zeitung and the Mercury.

The rest will go by itself, as there will be no lack of zeal
on my part, and thus Maryland will gain its point here in
Germany in the cheapest and most efficient manner possible.

With this hope, I have the honor to be, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,



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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1867
Volume 133, Page 3779   View pdf image (33K)
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