REUTLINGEN, Feb. 11, 1866.
ME. W. R. COLE, Baltimore.
DEAR SIR :—I have read the statements in relation to the
resources of Maryland, on the title page of which you engage
yourself to .impart any agricultural information in regard to
farms and farm-lands in the State of Marpland, in view of this
offer, I respectfully ask for information, as follows :
For years I have taken an interest in the emigration to the
United States. A strong emigration will shortly commence
from Wurttemberg—favored by the overcrowded population
here and the propitious circumstances across the ocean.
It is not difficult to lead this emigration to certain points,
after some preliminary exertions should have been made for
that object.
These would consist in a most careful examination of a
favorable locality, the selection of a large farm, which, sit-
uated at the point to be settled, would serve to the new comer,
partly as a medium to become acquainted with the American
system of agriculture, partly as a preparation,for his own set-
tlement. That the land should be situated in the neighbor-
hood from whence transportation would be easy, that the cli-
mate should be healthy and the soil fruitful, is a matter of
If State, lands or land belonging to large land companies,
amounting in area to 2,000 acres could be acquired, arrange-
ments could be made to direct the emigration from Wurttem-
berg, even of well-off farmers, to the point selected.
If you, honored Sir, would communicate with me on the
subject here. mentioned, stating also the situation, distance
from, the neatest railroad or river station, climate, produce,
price of labor and market facilities, I would be greatly obliged
to you.
Yours, very respectfully,
Attorney at Law.
Reutlingen, Wurttemsberg, Germany,