BALTIMORE, January 1, 1867.
His Excellency,
Governor of Maryland:
Sir:—The Commissioner of Immigration appointed under
the Apt of 1866, amongst other duties assigned him, is speci-
ally charged with that of inviting capital and labor into the
State by means of immigration, and the method of his opera-
tions to accomplish this result is distinctly defined in sections
3 and 4, of the Article, as follows:
"He shall prepare and distribute, or cause to be prepared
and distributed, both at home and abroad, such facts and in-
formation as may conduce to a complete, full and satisfactory
understanding of the agricultural, mineral, manufacturing
and general commercial resources of the State of Maryland,
and shall keep always open to inspection in said office reliable
exhibits of all property in the market for sale, with the terms
annexed, aa far as such information can be obtained, together
with accurate maps and charts showing the location of such
property and the relation in which it stands to railways now
built or intended to be built, and such other facilities by means
of navigable waters or otherwise, as may be deemed advanta-
He shall, immediately after his appointment, open com-
munication with such points, as well abroad as at home, as
will advance the object of immigration to the State of Mary-
land; and shall distribute, or cause to be distributed, from
time to time, as opportunity occurs, such facts and informa-
tion in regard to the agricultural, mineral, manufacturing
and general commercial resources of the State of Maryland,
and came the same to be vigorously distributed, in such man-
ner and at such points as may best conduce to the speedy in-
crease of our population and the occupation of our lands by
capital and labor."
The appropriation to defray these expenses, as well as all
others arising under the Act, is limited to two thousand dol-